Coffee: Black with a Stirrer
Background Noise: 'buck chatter
Last Visited: Barb should be a movie critic.
Random Thought: Why are the elves in my phone lying and trying to convince me we lost to Nebraska last night?
Mood: when am i?
Posts you should read before 2006 that helped define 2005:
1. Stop. Fucking. Them. (This is not about abortion.)
2. The only debate on Intelligent Design that is worthy of it's subject.
3. Pride & Pathetic: the rantings of an Austenite who didn't understand the movie she was watching, and instead bought the hideous, revolting, completely out-of-touch-with-the-picture-it-promotes american marketing campaign for it. Oh, and Ms. Fattore? I have a cat and i love Austen, will wonders never cease? Wonder of wonders, it is possible for an anti-romanticist piece to, in fact, be highly realistically romantic. Sorry, the mist comes with the whole on-location package. Deal.
4. Blogpulse 2005: Trendy Statistics - hey, math can be cool, too.

Hey, i'm just psyched that the ipod was constantly more popular than the xBox or PS2, and that NASCAR is the least popular sport umong the techies (shocker). I'm actually even more interested in the fact that Swimming was really popular, and while Hockey is making a comeback, the undisputed American sport is: Football, with Baseball and Soccer gunning it out for second and third.

Um... yeah. Beyond the stuff above this line (which was all written before i stepped into the mind-melt-inducing cross country flight last night), there is plenty i remember wanting to write about that i have promptly forgotten. Maybe that's best for now. I continued my streak of crying at take off after leaving again for California, but i really don't have the energy to have another Oh-wow-i-don't-belong-in-California-and-i'm-getting-sick-and-tired-of-pretending-i-do post. But hey - my apartment is clean (amazing), my car is running and has gas in it, my cat is thrilled i'm home, i have coffee, and the potential for a great new year, i shouldn't complain.
What to do now? Maybe a movie is in order. Or food more substantial than gingerbread. Or a shower. Hey, at least i remembered to go to the bank :) Oh well, i'm sure i'll figure my day out eventually. And if i don't? That's not so bad either.
Last Visited: Barb should be a movie critic.
Random Thought: Why are the elves in my phone lying and trying to convince me we lost to Nebraska last night?
Mood: when am i?
Posts you should read before 2006 that helped define 2005:
1. Stop. Fucking. Them. (This is not about abortion.)
2. The only debate on Intelligent Design that is worthy of it's subject.
3. Pride & Pathetic: the rantings of an Austenite who didn't understand the movie she was watching, and instead bought the hideous, revolting, completely out-of-touch-with-the-picture-it-promotes american marketing campaign for it. Oh, and Ms. Fattore? I have a cat and i love Austen, will wonders never cease? Wonder of wonders, it is possible for an anti-romanticist piece to, in fact, be highly realistically romantic. Sorry, the mist comes with the whole on-location package. Deal.
4. Blogpulse 2005: Trendy Statistics - hey, math can be cool, too.

Hey, i'm just psyched that the ipod was constantly more popular than the xBox or PS2, and that NASCAR is the least popular sport umong the techies (shocker). I'm actually even more interested in the fact that Swimming was really popular, and while Hockey is making a comeback, the undisputed American sport is: Football, with Baseball and Soccer gunning it out for second and third.

Um... yeah. Beyond the stuff above this line (which was all written before i stepped into the mind-melt-inducing cross country flight last night), there is plenty i remember wanting to write about that i have promptly forgotten. Maybe that's best for now. I continued my streak of crying at take off after leaving again for California, but i really don't have the energy to have another Oh-wow-i-don't-belong-in-California-and-i'm-getting-sick-and-tired-of-pretending-i-do post. But hey - my apartment is clean (amazing), my car is running and has gas in it, my cat is thrilled i'm home, i have coffee, and the potential for a great new year, i shouldn't complain.
What to do now? Maybe a movie is in order. Or food more substantial than gingerbread. Or a shower. Hey, at least i remembered to go to the bank :) Oh well, i'm sure i'll figure my day out eventually. And if i don't? That's not so bad either.

I just noticed this: I too have a messy ponytail and a lavender sweater, just like Paris.
Wow, i never thought i'd say "Just like Paris" with a staight face.