Thursday, December 08, 2005

Did you just call him Lloyd?

Background Noise: something jazzy and moderately maudlin
Last Visited: Remember when West Wing was brilliant? Read up.
Random Thought: CSS Bar Graphs are cool. See?
Mood: build me up, buttercup

X3 is here, and no,i don't mean the BMW.

Also, in an interesting turn of events, the next big musical to made into a movie is [drum roll]: DreamGirls. I guess Musket was onto something after all....



Blogger Michael Rawdon said...

Hmm, I had thought X3 would be the movies' riff on the Dark Phoenix story. That's kind of disappointing. (Unless of course they're actually suppressing all that stuff in the trailer, in which case good for them!) Of course, one challenge in doing Dark Phoenix in the films is that the films have really been "The X-Men Starring Wolverine", whereas the comics were "The X-Men Starring Cyclops". Wolverine didn't really come into his own until after Phoenix died.

The V For Vendetta trailer looks pretty good. I know Alan Moore's disassociated himself from the film, but some of the scenes in the trailer do good justice to the book. Whether they can pull off the psychological intrigue of the story will determine how good it really is, though.

1:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Is it just one of those days to being nostalgic for the good things that were 1998? West Wing was brilliant, Buffy was her best, and Dave Matthews was cool. Ahh, memories...

2:36 PM