I look like the Libra Girl... or a Party Mouse
Background Noise: Elf's Lament
Last Visited: ahh, now i remember why i don't visit astrology.com; no, i really don't want to pay for the results of my quiz. sorry.
Random Thought: i scrubbed my bath tub last night; wait, that's more of an action than a thought. Oh! i know! I need to figure out what i'm packing for home.
Mood: this is going to actually work, isn't it.

See? Well, i kinda look like the Libra Girl. I suppose she's basically a chunky cousin of Disney's Cinderella, though i have to say, for a Libra, she's pretty biased. I mean, look at those scales: completely out of balance. Oh, wait, i guess that means i really am like this cartoon. Nifty.
I'm approaching apathy way too quickly this afternoon... maybe i should take a break and get some errands done. I need to get keys made for the wonderful, fabulous people stopping in to watch Puff while i'm gone, I need to either take my boots in to be repaired or pick up some inserts for them, I need to pick up some kitty food and litter, give my apartment a fairly intensive cleaning - carpets, trash, general organization / sprucing, pick up the clothes that are undoubtably all over my closet+ - and, of course, i have to figure out what i want to pack for home and at least send that to the laundry (which either means tracking down quarters or just taking it to the dry cleaners). I need to transfer what files i want on my laptop to my laptop, and while i'm at it i have to make sure to get either the packages or a dvd for Dave's computer. I'm sure there's more... but at the moment that's where the running talley in my head stops.
But Oh! I just got Barb's Christmas card! Yeay snail mail! :) The timing, of course, is perfect. And hilarious, so i quote:
That one's going on my corkboard. Speaking of which, hey B, why didn't we steal the url saintofsanity.blogspot.com for your blog? Where was my head? Hey! it's still available! Just saying.
Completely changing the subject, the movie suggestion is fabulous; maybe i'll swing by for the 5ish Pride and Prejudice - it's been too long since i've seen it. Though i really should clean. Ahh, decisions decisions.
Last Visited: ahh, now i remember why i don't visit astrology.com; no, i really don't want to pay for the results of my quiz. sorry.
Random Thought: i scrubbed my bath tub last night; wait, that's more of an action than a thought. Oh! i know! I need to figure out what i'm packing for home.
Mood: this is going to actually work, isn't it.

See? Well, i kinda look like the Libra Girl. I suppose she's basically a chunky cousin of Disney's Cinderella, though i have to say, for a Libra, she's pretty biased. I mean, look at those scales: completely out of balance. Oh, wait, i guess that means i really am like this cartoon. Nifty.
I'm approaching apathy way too quickly this afternoon... maybe i should take a break and get some errands done. I need to get keys made for the wonderful, fabulous people stopping in to watch Puff while i'm gone, I need to either take my boots in to be repaired or pick up some inserts for them, I need to pick up some kitty food and litter, give my apartment a fairly intensive cleaning - carpets, trash, general organization / sprucing, pick up the clothes that are undoubtably all over my closet+ - and, of course, i have to figure out what i want to pack for home and at least send that to the laundry (which either means tracking down quarters or just taking it to the dry cleaners). I need to transfer what files i want on my laptop to my laptop, and while i'm at it i have to make sure to get either the packages or a dvd for Dave's computer. I'm sure there's more... but at the moment that's where the running talley in my head stops.
But Oh! I just got Barb's Christmas card! Yeay snail mail! :) The timing, of course, is perfect. And hilarious, so i quote:
Make your own fun this holiday season!
Fun is all about what you actually want to do! So the Saint of Sanity decrees:
Get ye to a movie!
Get ye Regency Spies and Liars!
Get ye a bottle of wine!
Get ye a kitten*!
aforementioned tactics guarenteed to work under most circumstances. Fun to be had may differ in actuality. SOS cannot be held accountable for lack of fun had due to project bugs, stupid drivers, annoying companions, or the Borders Store In Stock list.
SOS is a trademark of Barb by Proxy © 1998.
That one's going on my corkboard. Speaking of which, hey B, why didn't we steal the url saintofsanity.blogspot.com for your blog? Where was my head? Hey! it's still available! Just saying.
Completely changing the subject, the movie suggestion is fabulous; maybe i'll swing by for the 5ish Pride and Prejudice - it's been too long since i've seen it. Though i really should clean. Ahh, decisions decisions.

I don't know what you were thinking letting the saint of sanity blog go unthought! silly you