Imagining Footprints in the Snow
Background Noise: George Winston, December
Last Visited: Travelocity & Land's End. Wow i just spent a crapload of money.
Random Thought: I think i love my new fake-burberry coat
Mood: i can't believe i'm going home in a week...
Yeay! I'm going home for Christmas!
I probably shouldn't be so shocked, or excited, or relieved, but i'm so happy that i'll be home for the holidays. I'm even going to make it for christmas eve dinner at my grandma's house! I have direct flights both ways (thankfully) and even though i'm sad the potential plans of stopping in Chicago didn't pan out, it's ok, because i'll see barb later when she is actually in her new place.
I'm flying out Christmas Eve on Nortwest and arriving in Detroit around 3:49pm, and flying back to San Francisco Wednesday evening around 7:44pm. It's a decent trip - the better part of 4 and a half days depending on how you count - and it will mean that i'll be back in the bay area soon enough to have some down time before getting back to work.
Now i just have to figure out who is watching Puff while i'm gone. Luckily it's only 4ish days, so i don't feel guilty asking people to stop in and watch him.
The other bonus of only going for a few days? I'm pretty sure i'll be able to get away with just carry-on luggage, so i won't have to worry about checking any bags. I hate checking bags. I prefer to walk off the plane and out of the airport and be on my way if at all possible, especially when i'm cutting getting to Milford on time so very close.
:) But at least i'll have my new coat! I hope it's as cute and sophisticated as it looks like in the pictures. And hey, if it doesn't work i'll return it and still have time to find a suitable placeholder.
The only other problem i have is: what to do for presents for my family?
ETA: So i begged and pleaded and made my boss give me my review early, meaning about 45 mins ago. It's good. Great, really. Maybe i'm just drained from the day, but i'm not sure i'm taking it as expected. It's always odd to hear other people talk about me; and it's interesting reading my boss's thoughts about me. All at once i'm not sure i deserve my review and yet i'm disappointed with it in some ways. I was debating posting some of it here, but that would be inappropriate. I'll write again later when i've had more time to digest what it means, and get back to you about how i feel. I just... had to mention something. For posterity, for... well, so i wouldn't forget to think about this seriously.
Last Visited: Travelocity & Land's End. Wow i just spent a crapload of money.
Random Thought: I think i love my new fake-burberry coat
Mood: i can't believe i'm going home in a week...
Yeay! I'm going home for Christmas!
I probably shouldn't be so shocked, or excited, or relieved, but i'm so happy that i'll be home for the holidays. I'm even going to make it for christmas eve dinner at my grandma's house! I have direct flights both ways (thankfully) and even though i'm sad the potential plans of stopping in Chicago didn't pan out, it's ok, because i'll see barb later when she is actually in her new place.
I'm flying out Christmas Eve on Nortwest and arriving in Detroit around 3:49pm, and flying back to San Francisco Wednesday evening around 7:44pm. It's a decent trip - the better part of 4 and a half days depending on how you count - and it will mean that i'll be back in the bay area soon enough to have some down time before getting back to work.
Now i just have to figure out who is watching Puff while i'm gone. Luckily it's only 4ish days, so i don't feel guilty asking people to stop in and watch him.
The other bonus of only going for a few days? I'm pretty sure i'll be able to get away with just carry-on luggage, so i won't have to worry about checking any bags. I hate checking bags. I prefer to walk off the plane and out of the airport and be on my way if at all possible, especially when i'm cutting getting to Milford on time so very close.
:) But at least i'll have my new coat! I hope it's as cute and sophisticated as it looks like in the pictures. And hey, if it doesn't work i'll return it and still have time to find a suitable placeholder.
The only other problem i have is: what to do for presents for my family?
ETA: So i begged and pleaded and made my boss give me my review early, meaning about 45 mins ago. It's good. Great, really. Maybe i'm just drained from the day, but i'm not sure i'm taking it as expected. It's always odd to hear other people talk about me; and it's interesting reading my boss's thoughts about me. All at once i'm not sure i deserve my review and yet i'm disappointed with it in some ways. I was debating posting some of it here, but that would be inappropriate. I'll write again later when i've had more time to digest what it means, and get back to you about how i feel. I just... had to mention something. For posterity, for... well, so i wouldn't forget to think about this seriously.