Video On Demand Rocks My World
Background Noise: Beat it, it's the Bulls!
Last Visited: The On Demand Guide;
Random Thought: I'm not as adverse to watching "The Wedding Date" when it's free and i can fast forward through stuff.
Mood: Headlines don't sell papes: Newsies sell papes.
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! Isn't it amazing that for the first time since 1959 these two holidays fall on the same day of the year. That, combined with the fact that this day just happens to be sunday, assures that beyond anything else you can be certain of one thing: nothing will be open after 8pm.
I hope your respective holidays, be they relgious or simply material, have been everything you wanted and that you are happy and content.
I read an article the other day talking about the downfall of the Gap; how the store built up to being a brand, an icon, the place to shop, but that now it's not much more than a general disappointment. People go expecting to find something they like, but usually end up leaving empty handed. And here I thought that was just me. Every time i've been in the Gap recently i couldn't justify the $40 sweater or the $25 tank top; i still go in from time to time, but generally i only buy when things are on sale. Apparently the Gap has decided to rehabilititate itself; i really hope that goes well.
Ellen got another fabulous Coach bag from Phil for Christmas (among her many presents). I'm now completely jealous of her bag collection: two Coach bags and a kate spade tote. I am in awe. I must have a kate spade bag too; maybe i can justify one once my stock money shows up - friday will truly be a TGIF.
Why is it so hard to find a well made, beautiful, tote that is large enough to fit my laptop, anyways? Note to the luxury handbag makers: Girls have hardware too. We generally also have money to spend and want to have a beautiful bag to carry everything around in. I can't justify a $300 small purse because i'd never use it. But i could justify a $300 tote that could double as a laptop bag in a heartbeat because that's what i carry all day every day - i'd like that bag to be stylish, easy on the eyes, and easier on the shoulder. This bag comes close, well at least in the picture. And i think i can get over the fact that it's technically a baby bag. Ahh, don't you just love the irony?
ETA: Elle tells me that there is actually a kate spade store at Somerset; i'll have to check this out in person and see if it lives up to my expectations.
So, continuing our semi-official Christmas tradition, my silblings, my cousins, and i went to see a movie this evening - this time it was the Producers ("Gentlemen, may i take your hats, your coats, and your schwas-ti-cas?"). It was fun (as usual), but Elle pointed out something that i had missed - or rather, not paid enough attention to - about the Birmingham 8: they don't actually care if you buy a ticket or not. Or, rather, they tear your ticket once you buy it outside the front entrace not inside the theater. But there is a side door from the parking garage that opens into the theater - and there is no one at that door to purchase tickets from, or make sure that you have tickets at all. In fact, the employees seem to not care at all if you just walk in and sit down - the only thing that actually keeps people buying tickets is their sense of ethics and morality. Silly morals, they always get in the way of free stuff, huh.
I love Newsies. Seriously, Video on Demand is making my night - especially considering i'm still on west coast time and wouldn't mind staying that way, so i'm going to be up when there is literally nothing on tv. I'm actually considering throwing "The Wedding Date" on next because i can. I know it was horrible, but i'm not sure i'll mind as much when i'm not paying for it. And hey, worse comes to worse i either fast forward through it or switch to something else. Like Batman Begins; there's a thought: a Christian Bale Christmas. I like the sound of that.
Remind me to opine about the tree in the living room at some point; i would now, but my battery is going again and i should really publish this before i loose this post forever.
Last Visited: The On Demand Guide;
Random Thought: I'm not as adverse to watching "The Wedding Date" when it's free and i can fast forward through stuff.
Mood: Headlines don't sell papes: Newsies sell papes.
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! Isn't it amazing that for the first time since 1959 these two holidays fall on the same day of the year. That, combined with the fact that this day just happens to be sunday, assures that beyond anything else you can be certain of one thing: nothing will be open after 8pm.
I hope your respective holidays, be they relgious or simply material, have been everything you wanted and that you are happy and content.
I read an article the other day talking about the downfall of the Gap; how the store built up to being a brand, an icon, the place to shop, but that now it's not much more than a general disappointment. People go expecting to find something they like, but usually end up leaving empty handed. And here I thought that was just me. Every time i've been in the Gap recently i couldn't justify the $40 sweater or the $25 tank top; i still go in from time to time, but generally i only buy when things are on sale. Apparently the Gap has decided to rehabilititate itself; i really hope that goes well.
Ellen got another fabulous Coach bag from Phil for Christmas (among her many presents). I'm now completely jealous of her bag collection: two Coach bags and a kate spade tote. I am in awe. I must have a kate spade bag too; maybe i can justify one once my stock money shows up - friday will truly be a TGIF.
Why is it so hard to find a well made, beautiful, tote that is large enough to fit my laptop, anyways? Note to the luxury handbag makers: Girls have hardware too. We generally also have money to spend and want to have a beautiful bag to carry everything around in. I can't justify a $300 small purse because i'd never use it. But i could justify a $300 tote that could double as a laptop bag in a heartbeat because that's what i carry all day every day - i'd like that bag to be stylish, easy on the eyes, and easier on the shoulder. This bag comes close, well at least in the picture. And i think i can get over the fact that it's technically a baby bag. Ahh, don't you just love the irony?

ETA: Elle tells me that there is actually a kate spade store at Somerset; i'll have to check this out in person and see if it lives up to my expectations.
So, continuing our semi-official Christmas tradition, my silblings, my cousins, and i went to see a movie this evening - this time it was the Producers ("Gentlemen, may i take your hats, your coats, and your schwas-ti-cas?"). It was fun (as usual), but Elle pointed out something that i had missed - or rather, not paid enough attention to - about the Birmingham 8: they don't actually care if you buy a ticket or not. Or, rather, they tear your ticket once you buy it outside the front entrace not inside the theater. But there is a side door from the parking garage that opens into the theater - and there is no one at that door to purchase tickets from, or make sure that you have tickets at all. In fact, the employees seem to not care at all if you just walk in and sit down - the only thing that actually keeps people buying tickets is their sense of ethics and morality. Silly morals, they always get in the way of free stuff, huh.
I love Newsies. Seriously, Video on Demand is making my night - especially considering i'm still on west coast time and wouldn't mind staying that way, so i'm going to be up when there is literally nothing on tv. I'm actually considering throwing "The Wedding Date" on next because i can. I know it was horrible, but i'm not sure i'll mind as much when i'm not paying for it. And hey, worse comes to worse i either fast forward through it or switch to something else. Like Batman Begins; there's a thought: a Christian Bale Christmas. I like the sound of that.
Remind me to opine about the tree in the living room at some point; i would now, but my battery is going again and i should really publish this before i loose this post forever.