Well, at least the weather matches my mood for once
Background Noise: the sound and the fury... of 'bucks.
Last Visited: Damn, i hadn't figured in the exchange rate.
Random Thought: i don't want to share my birthday with Donna and Jason.
Mood: jittery and a little sad
Right now i should (and could) be doing an of several things:
I should be verifying what i'm doing for NYE '05, i should be at the bank getting my rent check, i should be at IKEA getting a comforter, i should be at the mall buying some more sweaters (or doing laundry, either or), i should be looking for a computer bag that won't break, or a vaccum cleaner that won't explode, or tracking down "i know i missed christmas but presents anytime are good, right?" presents for the many many people i know who deserve them, i should be reading a book, or taking a nap, or generally relaxing, or driving in the rain because it's fun, or getting my hair cut because it's shaggy, or actually getting work done, or finding out if I actually have work on monday as my friend's contend or don't as my mom contents, i should call Kathy to see if she's back from London, or call Barb to find out if she's heard any more about her apartment, or Heather to find out if she's playing photojournalist for NYE, or John to find out if he got his promotion, or Ben about how the meeting with the financial planner went, or Dave to find out how the crown molding is going, or Helena to find out what her plans for tomorrow night are besides a hurried "movies" and something else i couldn't figure out last night, or seeing one of the many worthy movies that are out now that i haven't seen that aren't the Producers, P&P, or a bound-to-be-slightly-disasppointing holiday comedy, or wondering out loud why every movie that has a scene in San Francisco must have a trolley bell in the background even though the characters are no where near a trolley line, or tracking down maps of London to figure out where i want to stay while i'm there, or actually pining down a date and tracking down people to see if i'm actually going with anyone or by myself, or not looking at the elderly couple calmly contemplating buying a Hummer at the table next to me, or trying to not jump in and help the girls struggling with trig at the table behind me, or finding the rules for uker online so i can actually teach Joe and Sarah how to play, or find a fourth who can be my partner for that matter, or something that stops the train of though in the back of my head that maybe i should look at the book of Destiny since it's the only one that Barnes and Noble by me has, or maybe i should just find a way to end this never ending sentance.
But, aside from the whole ending the last sentance thing, i'm not doing any of the things that i should.
No, i'm trying to keep myself from just jumping on a plane to god-knows-where now.
Yep, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, my jumpy travel feet are back, and boy do i want to get the hell out of dodge. I guess that will have to wait a few weeks, though.
i really should go to the bank; rent day, at least, is one thing i can guarentee will happen this weekend.
Last Visited: Damn, i hadn't figured in the exchange rate.
Random Thought: i don't want to share my birthday with Donna and Jason.
Mood: jittery and a little sad
Right now i should (and could) be doing an of several things:
I should be verifying what i'm doing for NYE '05, i should be at the bank getting my rent check, i should be at IKEA getting a comforter, i should be at the mall buying some more sweaters (or doing laundry, either or), i should be looking for a computer bag that won't break, or a vaccum cleaner that won't explode, or tracking down "i know i missed christmas but presents anytime are good, right?" presents for the many many people i know who deserve them, i should be reading a book, or taking a nap, or generally relaxing, or driving in the rain because it's fun, or getting my hair cut because it's shaggy, or actually getting work done, or finding out if I actually have work on monday as my friend's contend or don't as my mom contents, i should call Kathy to see if she's back from London, or call Barb to find out if she's heard any more about her apartment, or Heather to find out if she's playing photojournalist for NYE, or John to find out if he got his promotion, or Ben about how the meeting with the financial planner went, or Dave to find out how the crown molding is going, or Helena to find out what her plans for tomorrow night are besides a hurried "movies" and something else i couldn't figure out last night, or seeing one of the many worthy movies that are out now that i haven't seen that aren't the Producers, P&P, or a bound-to-be-slightly-disasppointing holiday comedy, or wondering out loud why every movie that has a scene in San Francisco must have a trolley bell in the background even though the characters are no where near a trolley line, or tracking down maps of London to figure out where i want to stay while i'm there, or actually pining down a date and tracking down people to see if i'm actually going with anyone or by myself, or not looking at the elderly couple calmly contemplating buying a Hummer at the table next to me, or trying to not jump in and help the girls struggling with trig at the table behind me, or finding the rules for uker online so i can actually teach Joe and Sarah how to play, or find a fourth who can be my partner for that matter, or something that stops the train of though in the back of my head that maybe i should look at the book of Destiny since it's the only one that Barnes and Noble by me has, or maybe i should just find a way to end this never ending sentance.
But, aside from the whole ending the last sentance thing, i'm not doing any of the things that i should.
No, i'm trying to keep myself from just jumping on a plane to god-knows-where now.
Yep, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, my jumpy travel feet are back, and boy do i want to get the hell out of dodge. I guess that will have to wait a few weeks, though.
i really should go to the bank; rent day, at least, is one thing i can guarentee will happen this weekend.

Actually, i was wrong! Rent day didn't happen this weekend because i couldn't find a reliable place to leave my check.
I went back 4 fricken times in 3 days.
Finally i was able to drop it off this morning but geez, what's a girl have to do to give someone $1.095K around here?