You're awash in all it's glow
Background Noise: Footprints, BNL
Last Visited: Fuck Christmas. Or at least figure out what you're actually mad about first.
Random Thought: I love it when Barb gets pissed off. It's always so damn funny.
Mood: chris botti looks like logan from gilmore girls. only older, so thinking he's hot isn't gross.
Um, 2 please? One departing from San Francisco, one from Chicago. Thanks!

In other news, yesterday i managed (completely by accident) to win a lovely $15 Starbucks gift card for being (again, very accidentally) the third most festively dressed person at my team's holiday, er, christmas, party, er, wine tasting. My pink (almost red) sweater had what could be mistaken for a reindeer on it, and my lovely shoes have a few sparklies, therefore i must have been festive.
Talk about scraping the barrel.
Though, i have to say i like having that card burning a hole in my wallet; it's certainly better than not having it, though i'm fairly sure it won't change the amount of coffee i'll drink.
In more news, the Golden Globe Nominations were announced yesterday. I'm not going to discuss the tv portion of the evening since i can't even begin to justify their decision that Desparate Housewives deserved 4 of the 5 slots in the best actress category. But no nominations at all for Gilmore Girls? No Veronica Mars or West Wing or Everwood? Or the finale of Six Feet Under?
On the movie side, things look promising. Though i have to admit that i'm not thrilled that Match Point won't be out until after the awards are given, but whatever. I love that Kiera Knightly has a nomination for Lizzie Bennet; i loved her reaction to the news too. She basically said that she had just planned to make lasagna for her flat mates that night, but apparently now they needed champagne too. How fabulously normal. And now that Sarah Jessica Parker has a nomination for the Family Stone i'm even more curious to see that film than before - though i still contend that she will end up with Luke Wilson in the end - Mr. Mulroney can have Claire Danes.
And in case you're bored and looking for some good old-fashioned blog-reading here are two you shouldn't miss: Waiterrant, and Walking the Streets (he's a parking attendant in london, not a working girl, just in case you're worried about being corrupted). Barb's blog of course, and also fuck christmas while it does cover some ground, is backed by some exquisite research. Ok, maybe "exquisite" takes things a bit too far, but still.
Last Visited: Fuck Christmas. Or at least figure out what you're actually mad about first.
Random Thought: I love it when Barb gets pissed off. It's always so damn funny.
Mood: chris botti looks like logan from gilmore girls. only older, so thinking he's hot isn't gross.
Um, 2 please? One departing from San Francisco, one from Chicago. Thanks!

In other news, yesterday i managed (completely by accident) to win a lovely $15 Starbucks gift card for being (again, very accidentally) the third most festively dressed person at my team's holiday, er, christmas, party, er, wine tasting. My pink (almost red) sweater had what could be mistaken for a reindeer on it, and my lovely shoes have a few sparklies, therefore i must have been festive.
Talk about scraping the barrel.
Though, i have to say i like having that card burning a hole in my wallet; it's certainly better than not having it, though i'm fairly sure it won't change the amount of coffee i'll drink.
In more news, the Golden Globe Nominations were announced yesterday. I'm not going to discuss the tv portion of the evening since i can't even begin to justify their decision that Desparate Housewives deserved 4 of the 5 slots in the best actress category. But no nominations at all for Gilmore Girls? No Veronica Mars or West Wing or Everwood? Or the finale of Six Feet Under?
On the movie side, things look promising. Though i have to admit that i'm not thrilled that Match Point won't be out until after the awards are given, but whatever. I love that Kiera Knightly has a nomination for Lizzie Bennet; i loved her reaction to the news too. She basically said that she had just planned to make lasagna for her flat mates that night, but apparently now they needed champagne too. How fabulously normal. And now that Sarah Jessica Parker has a nomination for the Family Stone i'm even more curious to see that film than before - though i still contend that she will end up with Luke Wilson in the end - Mr. Mulroney can have Claire Danes.
And in case you're bored and looking for some good old-fashioned blog-reading here are two you shouldn't miss: Waiterrant, and Walking the Streets (he's a parking attendant in london, not a working girl, just in case you're worried about being corrupted). Barb's blog of course, and also fuck christmas while it does cover some ground, is backed by some exquisite research. Ok, maybe "exquisite" takes things a bit too far, but still.