Pardon My Dust
Background Noise: brilliant; i showed up at 'bucks when school let out.
Last Visited: Your Mileage May Vary
Random Thought: Cinnamon Dolce Latte... overkill or just right?
Mood: ouch, they didn't put ice in my coffee
Excuse the blip on this blog earlier - the one where all formatting went away and a full year's worth of posts appeared on one page - i was seeding a test blog with my older posts so the template wouldn't look so empty.
Anyhoo, yesterday i talked myself out of buying a $300 kate spade bag and into buying a $300 new bed, well, a new bed topping. As beautiful as the bags are - and i'm sure i will own one in the future - i just couldn't rationalize the money for something so... so... i don't know what. But i still wanted to blow my christmas cash, and after debating staying in the Westin for a night with hopes of sleeping better, i realized that what i should get is a super soft down comfetor, pillows, and a 600 thread count sheet set. It looks - and feels - like i'm sleeping on a cloud and i couldn't be happier.
Well, that's not entirely true: i still need to find a bedskirt that matches and now i have a real excuse to get the orchid canvases from ikea (they're in stock!), but really, those two chores shouldn't be so trying.
I can't wait to sleep again.
... but sleep will have to wait a little bit longer, i'm here at 'bucks to work on my spec and i should really do that in the nearer future.
Like now.
Last Visited: Your Mileage May Vary
Random Thought: Cinnamon Dolce Latte... overkill or just right?
Mood: ouch, they didn't put ice in my coffee
Excuse the blip on this blog earlier - the one where all formatting went away and a full year's worth of posts appeared on one page - i was seeding a test blog with my older posts so the template wouldn't look so empty.
Anyhoo, yesterday i talked myself out of buying a $300 kate spade bag and into buying a $300 new bed, well, a new bed topping. As beautiful as the bags are - and i'm sure i will own one in the future - i just couldn't rationalize the money for something so... so... i don't know what. But i still wanted to blow my christmas cash, and after debating staying in the Westin for a night with hopes of sleeping better, i realized that what i should get is a super soft down comfetor, pillows, and a 600 thread count sheet set. It looks - and feels - like i'm sleeping on a cloud and i couldn't be happier.
Well, that's not entirely true: i still need to find a bedskirt that matches and now i have a real excuse to get the orchid canvases from ikea (they're in stock!), but really, those two chores shouldn't be so trying.
I can't wait to sleep again.
... but sleep will have to wait a little bit longer, i'm here at 'bucks to work on my spec and i should really do that in the nearer future.
Like now.